Array ( [0] => 9smj )

SELECT *,l.url as go_url, i.instance_id as instance, i.item_id as item, i.account_id as account, c.url as item_url FROM link_instance i INNER JOIN link l ON i.link_id = l.link_id INNER JOIN account a ON i.account_id = a.account_id LEFT JOIN content_item c ON i.item_id = c.item_id WHERE i.link_instance_id = 457003

Array ( [0] => 457003 [link_instance_id] => 457003 [1] => 131788 [link_id] => 131788 [2] => 1700 [account_id] => 1700 [3] => 203701 [instance_id] => 203701 [4] => 202919 [item_id] => 202919 [5] => 5812 [network_id] => 5812 [6] => 2015-03-04 11:40:18 [date_enter] => 2015-03-02 11:55:44 [7] => [utm_source] => [8] => [utm_medium] => [9] => [utm_term] => [10] => [utm_content] => [11] => [utm_campaign] => [12] => [url_fields] => [13] => 131788 [14] => [url] => [15] => 1700 [16] => 203701 [17] => 0 [parent_id] => 0 [18] => 202919 [19] => [key] => [20] => 2015-03-02 11:55:44 [21] => 0 [redirect_mode] => 0 [22] => [fb_obj_id] => [23] => 1700 [24] => C-Suite Network [account_name] => C-Suite Network [25] => csuitenetwork [account_label] => csuitenetwork [26] => [account_external_id] => [27] => csuitenetwork [username] => csuitenetwork [28] => csuite2013 [password] => csuite2013 [29] => [temp_password] => [30] => [email] => [31] => 1 [email_confirmed] => 1 [32] => [change_email_request] => [33] => 2014-11-02 12:56:16 [created] => 2014-11-02 12:56:16 [34] => America/New_York [timezone] => America/New_York [35] => en_US [locale] => en_US [36] => 0 [group_id] => 0 [37] => 0 [request_id] => 0 [38] => 1 [agree_to_license] => 1 [39] => 2014-11-02 18:56:29 [date_agree_to_license] => 2014-11-02 18:56:29 [40] => 0 [use_tag_filter] => 0 [41] => 01e00f2f4bfcbb7505cb641066f2859b [account_token] => 01e00f2f4bfcbb7505cb641066f2859b [42] => 0 [inherit_settings_from] => 0 [43] => [account_domain] => [44] => 1 [use_link_tracking] => 1 [45] => 1 [status_id] => 1 [46] => 0 [bill_status_id] => 0 [47] => 0 [profile_id] => 0 [48] => [exacttarget_user_id] => [49] => [exacttarget_refresh_token] => [50] => [exacttarget_legacy_token] => [51] => [exacttarget_json] => [52] => 0 [auto_post] => 0 [53] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [auto_post_lastrun] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [54] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [network_reconnect_reminder] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [55] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [network_content_collector] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [56] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [weekly_social_activity_report] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [57] => 0 [demo] => 0 [58] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [external_id_valid_date] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [59] => 0 [ecosystem_id] => 0 [60] => 0 [imported_account_id] => 0 [61] => [lead_score_calc] => [62] => 0 [is_notification_email_to_send] => 0 [63] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notification_email_next_send_dtm] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [64] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notification_email_last_send_dtm] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [65] => 0 [notification_last_send_id] => 0 [66] => 0 [partner_score] => 0 [67] => [partner_score_details] => [68] => 202919 [69] => 0 [content_id] => 0 [70] => 1700 [71] => 2 [type_id] => 2 [72] => We're offering travel discounts for all #CSuite Conference attendees through @Uber, @Amtrak & more! Promo codes here: [short_label] => We're offering travel discounts for all #CSuite Conference attendees through @Uber, @Amtrak & more! Promo codes here: [73] => We're offering travel discounts for all #CSuite Conference attendees through @Uber, @Amtrak & more! Promo codes here: [short_label_original] => We're offering travel discounts for all #CSuite Conference attendees through @Uber, @Amtrak & more! Promo codes here: [74] => Attending the C-Suite Conference in Boston March 29-31? We're offering travel discounts through Uber, Amtrak, Delta and United! Check out the conference website for promo codes and info. [long_status] => Attending the C-Suite Conference in Boston March 29-31? We're offering travel discounts through Uber, Amtrak, Delta and United! Check out the conference website for promo codes and info. [75] => 1 [use_long_status] => 1 [76] => Home - C-Suite Network Conference [item_title] => Home - C-Suite Network Conference [77] => [short_info] => [78] => [long_info] => [79] => [80] => [url_original] => [81] => [content_data] => [82] => 0 [media_id] => 0 [83] => [item_keywords] => [84] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [item_date] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [85] => 0 [parent_item_id] => 0 [86] => 0 [next_item_id] => 0 [87] => 0 [prev_item_id] => 0 [88] => 100 [rank] => 100 [89] => 1 [90] => 0 [source_id] => 0 [91] => 0 [origin_id] => 0 [92] => [external_id] => [93] => 0 [user_id] => 0 [94] => [reply_to_id] => [95] => [thumbnail_url] => [96] => [lead_generation_id] => [97] => 0 [unread] => 0 [98] => 0 [promotion_id] => 0 [99] => 0 [series_item_starter] => 0 [100] => 0 [is_series_starter] => 0 [101] => [schedule_id] => [102] => 0 [campaign_id] => 0 [103] => [publish_mode] => [104] => 0 [request_article_id] => 0 [105] => [creation_source] => [106] => 0 [newsletter_only] => 0 [107] => 0 [copied_from] => 0 [108] => [img_alt] => [109] => [attachments] => [110] => [event_id] => [111] => [disable_comments] => [112] => [properties] => [113] => 0 [content_group_id] => 0 [114] => [campaign_id_template] => [115] => 0 [md_item_id] => 0 [116] => [go_url] => [117] => 203701 [instance] => 203701 [118] => 202919 [item] => 202919 [119] => 1700 [account] => 1700 [120] => [item_url] => )



$go_url: $page_url: